Creating living spaces
Traditionally, property management focused on minimizing risks such as vandalism, deterioration, theft, or arson related to vacancies. However, we also see opportunities for a positive societal contribution, such as the creation of living spaces.
If your property meets the requirements, both legal and with regards to health and safety regulations, it might be used to create living spaces in it. But as every property is unique, we believe in a customized solution to best meet your property’s potential. To turn it into a temporary living complex an investment might be needed. Depending on the length of the management agreement and the state of the building we can help you with the investments needed. Together with you we will look at the investment possibilities and come up with a plan to make the most out of your vacant property.
Since 1993 we have introduced the guardian concept successfully to the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Finland. In the last 30 years we protected over 10.000 projects, creating over 100.000 temporary rooms in over 1.000 cities across Europe. Just take a look at the project we did together with Bielefield.
Now we would love to introduce our successful solutions to your city too! Our team is here to walk you through our innovative solutions, tailored just for you. Discover how we can transform your space, preserve property value, and safeguard against challenges. Reach out now, and let's turn curiosity into action – your property's vibrant future awaits!