Privacy Statement

Monoma Finland B.V.(“Monoma,” “we,” “us,” “our,” or the “Company”) undertakes to protect the privacy of persons who visit the Company's websites ("Visitors"), persons who register for the Services such as described below (“Customers” or clients) and persons who register to participate in corporate events (“Participants”).

This Privacy Statement describes how Monoma deals with privacy issues related to the use of the Company's websites and the applications and services that Monoma offers (collectively, the “Services”). This Privacy Statement explains which data is processed for which purpose and what the legal basis is.

Physical, technical and organizational measures have been taken to protect your personal data. We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy statement. The current privacy policy can be consulted online at any time via our website. Except as set forth in this Privacy Statement, we will not disclose your information to third parties without your permission unless we are required by law to do so, for example, by a court order or to prevent fraud or other crime. By submitting information on our website and reading this Privacy Statement, you agree to the processing of this data about you by us and the product providers.

If you have any questions or complaints regarding Monoma's privacy statement or related practices, please contact us at


Noord Brabantlaan 2

5651 LX Eindhoven

This Privacy Statement applies to the handling of data that refer to this privacy statement. In this privacy statement, we explain how our company collects, uses, shares, and secures your personal information related to the Services that refer to this privacy statement (collectively referred to as “Monoma’s Web sites” or “the company’s websites”).

Monoma’s websites may contain links to other websites. Monoma is not liable for the content of external websites. The company encourages you to review the privacy statements of other Web sites to understand their information practices.  

2. Information collected

The legal basis for collecting and processing the below data is Contractual: the processing is necessary for a contract you have with the individual, or because they have asked you to take specific steps before entering into a contract.

For more information, see the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority:


Data typeReason why we store data / use the dataRetention period after tenant has left
Name and contact detalisTo contact Resident Applicant and send Marketing invitations to view properties that you have not selected, of which Ideal believes will suit your search12 months
Date of birthCheck the age is above 1812 months
Current addressTo then contact Resident Applicant Partner in relation to offering accommodation.12 months
Employment statusThis forms part of the vetting criteria to become a Tenant.12 months
Partner statusTo find out if Ideal can accommodate the Partner12 months
Partner emailTo then contact Resident Applicant Partner in relation to offering accommodation.12 months
CCTV videoSome of our sites (no all) have additional security in the form of CCTV28 days of storage, according to the 'regulation of Article 151c of the Municipalities Act', regardless of the date of registration. Images of misconduct/offences for police and judicial authorities can be stored until the prosecution is completed.


Data typeReason why we store data / use the dataRetention period after tenant has left
Name and contact detalisTo contact Resident Applicant12 months
Date of birthCheck the age is above 1812 months
Photo ID (e.g. copy of passport) & NationalityTo confirm your identity and check that you are legally allowed to live and work/study in the country. This is part of the Resident vetting criteria.12 months
Visa (if needed)To verify that you are legally allowed to live and work/study in the country. This is part of the Resident vetting criteria.12 months
Current addressTo perform a credit check. This forms part of the vetting criteria to become a Resident.12 months
Credit checkTo see if you have a good history of paying, this is part of the Resident vetting criteria.12 months
If appropriate, Guarantor name & contact informationIn connection with payments, someone can stand surety12 months
Bank DetailsSet up payment of accommodation Fee and to pay back Damage Security Payment12 months
Registration Civil Affairs Must be sure that the borrower/tenant is registered12 months
Educational institution registration (if necessary)Proof of registration from the educational institution is required for certain contracts. This is part of the selection criteria.12 months
Income registration tax (if necessary)To see if you are eligible for social housing. This is part of the selection criteria. 12 months
Income registration form (if needed)Testing whether appropriate allocation can be made. This is part of the selection criteria. 12 months
Historical extract GBA (if necessary)This is part of the selection criteria12 months
Chamber of Commerce registration (if necessary)This is part of the selection criteria12 months
Contact informationIn case of emergency, being able to approach a contact person12 months
Pay slips (or equivalent)Business need - to manage the payments12 months
Signed Licence AgreementBusiness need- to manage the properties7 years (tax reasons)
CCTV VideoSome of our sites (no all) have additional security in the form of CCTV28 days of storage, according to the 'regulation of Article 151c of the Municipalities Act', regardless of the date of registration. Images of misconduct/offences for police and judicial authorities can be stored until the prosecution is completed.


Data typeReason why we store data / use the dataRetention period
Name and contact detailsTo contact Client. Marketing will send you from time to time other information relating to your original request. All communication has an opt-out function.Until you opt out.
Work AddressTo send correspondencesUntil you opt out
CCTV VideoSome of our properties (not all) have additional security in the form of CCTV28 days of storage, according to the 'regulation of Article 151c of the Municipalities Act', regardless of the date of registration. Images of misconduct/offences for police and judicial authorities can be stored until the prosecution is completed.


Data typeReason why we store data / use the dataRetention period
Name and contact detailsTo contact Client Marketing campaigns3 years
Work AddressTo send correspondences3 years
CorrespondenceBusiness need - to manage the service3 years
Bank DetailsSet up payments3 years
Property Details (including inspection reports)Business need - to secure the properties3 years
Financial information including Invoices, credit historyBusiness need - to manage the payments7 years
Signed contract (offer letter)Business need - to secure the propeties7 years (tax reasons)
CCTV Some of our sites (no all) have additional security in the form of CCTV28 days of storage, according to the 'regulation of Article 151c of the Municipalities Act', regardless of the date of registration. Images of misconduct/offences for police and judicial authorities can be stored until the prosecution is completed.


Data typeReason why we store data / use the dataRetention period
Name and contact detailsTo contact staff1 month
CVBusiness need - investigating suitability for role / verifying experience1 month
CVTalent pool (applicant gives prior consent) 1 year


Data typeReason why we store data / use the dataRetention period
Name and contact detailsTo contact staff7 years
Date of birthCheck the age is above 187 years
Photo ID (e.g. cope of passport) & NationalityTo confirm your identity and check that you are legally allowed to live and work/study in the country. This is part of the Staff vetting criteria.5 years
BSNTo confirm your identity and to set up wage payment7 years
Visa (if needed) To verify that you are legally allowed to live and work/study in the country. This is part of the Staff vetting criteria.7 years
Current AddressTo perform a credit check. This forms part of the staff vetting criteria.7 years
Driving LicenceTo check if staff have a current and valid licence whilst driving the company vehicles.2 years
Bank DetailsTo pay wages7 years
Next of Kin name & contact informationIn cases of emergencies, where Plaza needs to contact an employees Next of Kin.7 years
Wages (payroll) + Bonuses + Pension + Expense InformationBusiness need - verifying payment made by Law - HMRC regulations7 years
Appraisals / Performance Review / Disciplinary HistoryBusiness need- verifying and tracking performance and development2 years
Attendance records: Absences + Maternity / paternityBusiness need - verifying performance By Law2 years
Personal accident/injury claimBusiness need - preventing further accident/injury By Law10 years
Training recordsBusiness need - preventing further accident/injury By Law10 years
Employment contractBusiness need - verifying terms of employment2 years
CCTV videoSome of our sites (no all) have additional security in the form of CCTV28 days of storage, according to the 'regulation of Article 151c of the Municipalities Act', regardless of the date of registration. Images of misconduct/offences for police and judicial authorities can be stored until the prosecution is completed.


Data typeReason why we store data / use the dataRetention period
Name and contact detailsTo contact Supplier Applicant1 year
Financial information including Invoices, credit historyBusiness need - to manage the payments7 years
CCTV video Some of our sites (not all) have additional security in the form of CCTV28 days of storage, according to the 'regulation of Article 151c of the Municipalities Act', regardless of the date of registration. Images of misconduct/offences for police and judicial authorities can be stored until the prosecution is completed.


Data typeReason why we story data / use the dataRetention period after enquiry
Name and contact detailsTo contact Website Visitor about their enquiry1 year
Enquiry detailsTo answer and help the Website Visitor with their enquiry1 year

Monoma does not always process all of the above personal data. That depends on which services the customer purchases / wishes to purchase and which functionalities the customer uses on the Company's website.

When you use the company's Services, Monoma may also collect information by using commonly used information collection tools, such as cookies or Google Analytics ("Website Navigation Data"). Website Navigation Data includes standard information about your web browser (such as browser type and browser language), your IP address, and the actions you perform on the company's websites (such as the visited webpages and clicked links).

Video Images

CCTV cameras are set up for security purposes on the sites of Monoma clients. The images are stored locally and temporarily stored for a maximum of 28 days in accordance with the 'regulation of Article 151c of the Municipalities Act'. The stored images are kept with an accredited third party, they are only viewed in case of damage or suspected misconduct and at the request of the police and judicial authorities. If the police or judicial authorities request the images then they are kept until the incident is resolved. There is a possibility that there are one or more points in the building that can be viewed live.

3. Use of information collected

Personal data, of the Data Subject is processed for the following purposes:

  • entering into agreements;

  • to execute agreements with the Data Subject in the field of rental and loan;

  • informing the Data Subject;

  • ensuring the safety of the property of the Company and the person concerned, more specifically the prevention of criminal offenses and illegal activities;

  • approaching Data Subjects for marketing purposes;

  • improving the Company's offline and online services.

The legal basis for collecting and processing the below data is contractual: the processing is necessary for a contract you have with the individual, or because they have asked you to take specific steps before entering into a contract. For more information, see the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority: (link:

4. Public forums, refer a contact, and customer testimonials

Monoma may provide bulletin boards, blogs, or chat rooms on the Company’s Web sites. Any personal information you choose to submit in such a forum may be read, collected, or used by others who visit these forums, and may be used to send you unsolicited messages. Monoma is not responsible for the personal information you choose to submit in these forums. Customers/clients and visitors may elect to use the company’s referral program to inform contacts about the Company’s websites and services. When using the referral program, the Company requests the contact’s name and email address.

Monoma will automatically send the contact a one–time email inviting him or her to visit the Company’s websites. Monoma does not store this information. Monoma posts a list of customers/clients and testimonials on the company’s websites that contain information such as customer names and titles. Monoma obtains the consent of each customer/client prior to posting any information on such a list or posting testimonials.

5. Sharing of information collected

Service Providers

Monoma may share data about Monoma, visitors, customers and attendees with the company’s contracted service providers so that these service providers can provide services on our behalf. These service providers are authorized to use your personal information only as necessary to provide the requested services to us. Without limiting the foregoing, Monoma may also share data about monoma visitors, customers and attendees with the company’s service providers to ensure the quality of information provided, and with third–party social networking and media websites, such as Facebook, for marketing and advertising on those websites. Unless described in this Privacy Statement, Monoma does not share, sell, rent, or trade any information with third parties for their promotional purposes.

Third Parties

Section 4 of this Privacy Statement, Google Analytics, specifically addresses the information we or third parties collect through cookies and web beacons, and how you can control cookies through your webbrowsers. We may also disclose your personal information to any third party with your prior consent. Compelled Disclosure

Monoma reserves the right to use or disclose information provided if required by law or if the company reasonably believes that use or disclosure is necessary to protect the company’s rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process.

6. Communications preferences

Monoma offers Visitors, customers/clients, and attendees who provide contact information a means to choose how the Company uses the information provided. You may manage your receipt of marketing and non-transactional communications by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link located on the bottom of the company’s marketing emails. Additionally, you may unsubscribe by contacting us using the information in the “Contacting Us" section below.

7. Your Rights as a Data Subject

As a data subject, you have the following rights:

  • The right to know whether and which of your personal data is processed;

  • The right to inspect and copy that data;

  • The right to correction, addition or deletion of data if necessary;

  • The right to request (partial) destruction of your data. This can only be met if the retention of the data is not of considerable importance to the Company and the data must not be retained on the basis of a statutory regulation;

  • The right to object to the processing of your data in certain cases;

  • The right to data portability.

If you would like to exercise your rights, please notify your request by email to

In order to prevent misuse, we ask you to adequately identify yourself in a written request for access, for example by sending a copy of a valid ID. Don't forget to shield the citizen service number and passport photo on the copy.

8. Changes to this Privacy Statement

Monoma reserves the right to change this Privacy Statement. Monoma will provide notification of the material changes to this Privacy Statement through the Company’s Web sites at least thirty (30) business days prior to the change taking effect.

9. Contacting us

Questions regarding this Privacy Statement or the information practices of the Company’s Web sites and Services should be directed to:

Pursuant to privacy legislation, you also have the right to file a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

This can be done via the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority ( ) or by calling their helpline on 088 - 1805250.